Dungeons & Dragons, Ethan Gilsdorf, gaming Ethan Gilsdorf Dungeons & Dragons, Ethan Gilsdorf, gaming Ethan Gilsdorf

Best games against social isolation

I was asked by the Boston Globe to recommend my favorite games --- board and card games, charades-type games, and role-playing games --- to play in person with your quarantine crew or online via video conference. In the story, I recommend Cards against Humanity, Dungeons & Dragons, and Pandemic.

Here are some of my picks that didn't make it into the story:

Dungeon Mayhem: fantasy-based card battle game, family-friendly, multi-player
Pass the Pigs: "dice" game -- like Yahtzee but with pigs, family-friendly, multi-player
"In the manner of": charades-type game, family-friendly, gets you up and moving

Here's the full story.



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