first review -- 4 stars

The masses (well, one single mass) seem to like Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks... so far, so good. Feel free to add to the discussion! Here's what this reader had to say:

4.0 out of 5 stars

Close to home, August 21, 2009

By Wolvercote (Rhode Island) -See all my reviews

Being a "closet gamer/fantasy geek" myself I completely related to Ethan's book. His story is my own and I'm sure a large number of other guys out there. Trying to balance the desire to immerse yourself in fantasy, (be it Tolkien, D&D, or online gaming) and living in "reality" with its expectations of what is considered "normal" is a recurring theme in the book and in my own life.

I felt the angst that Ethan dealt with as he slipped back into gaming and fantasy after years of self-denial. Anyone who has felt that twinge of embarassment over being a gamer or fantasy fan will enjoy Ethan's journey and obeservations.

I certainly did.



The book in its natural habitat


X Games: The Movie 3D does not move me